Charlie Hunnam sits down to rewatch scenes from his own movies and television shows, including ‘Sons of Anarchy,’ ‘King Arthur: Legend of the Sword,’ ‘Cold Mountain,’...
Diego Luna sits down to rewatch scenes from his own movies and television shows ‘Y tu mamá también,’ ‘Frida,’ ‘Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights,’ ‘The Terminal,’ ‘Narcos:...
Simon Cowell, Sofia Vergara, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, and Terry Crews sit and rewatch the best auditions and moments they’ve ever seen on America’s Got Talent....
Neil Patrick Harris sits down to watch his own movies and television shows. Neil revisits scenes from ‘Doogie Howser, M.D.,’ ‘Harold & Kumar Go to White...
Mike Myers sits down to watch his own movies on VHS. Throwback, we know. Watch as he revisits scenes from Wayne’s World, Austin Powers, Shrek and...
Joseph Gordon-Levitt sits down to watch his own movies on VHS. Throwback, we know. Watch as he revisits scenes from ’10 Things I Hate About You’...