The cast of “Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists” break down fan theories about the show. Eli Brown, Sydney Park, Sofia Carson, Janel Parrish and Sasha Pietrese...
Pete Davidson and Colson Baker (Machine Gun Kelly) take a lie detector test. Does Colson think Pete could rap? Has he ever fake laughed at Pete’s...
In this episode of “Notes on Scene,” director Tim Burton and costume designer Colleen Atwood break down the parade scene from Dumbo. Disney’s Dumbo is in...
On this episode of “Notes on a Scene,” Alan Taylor, one of the directors of “Game of Thrones,” breaks down Ned Stark’s final episode. ►► ABOUT...
On this episode of “Slang School,” Eugene Levy and his son Dan Levy explain youth slang terms. Eugene and Dan co-created Schitt’s Creek, which has its...
Bear Grylls reviews how realistic survival movies are, including The Revenant, Cast Away, Point Break, Titanic, Bird Box, and more. Bear talks about his experience sleeping...
Take yourself on a tour of every place Tom Cruise has rin in movies, from dashing through an empty Times Square in Vanilla Sky to running...
Action Bronson tells us everything he does in a day. Action Bronson’s book “Stoned Beyond Belief” hits the shelves March 19, 2019. ►► ABOUT VANITY FAIR...
On this episode of “Slang School,” Idris Elba teaches you British slang words, from ting and fit to apples and Alan. Idris Elba stars in TURN...