Actress Sophie Turner, perhaps best known for playing Sansa Stark on the hit show Game of Thrones, abandoned her usual fitness regime of boxing to take...
Vanity Fair teams up with The Black List to present The 2020 Black List Announcement. Hosted by Desus & Mero and featuring special guests, Taika Waititi...
Shawn Mendes, Pickering, Canada native, schools us in Canadian slang. From “26” to “beauty,” Shawn will leave you saying “what you’ sayin” after this episode of...
David Oyelowo takes us through his notable career, including his roles in ‘MI-5,’ ‘Spooks,’ ‘The Last King of Scotland,’ ‘Lee Daniels’ The Butler,’ ‘Nightingale,’ ‘Selma,’ ‘Queen...
Vanity Fair has time capsuled Billie Eilish’s responses to the same questions for the last four years and tracked the now-18-year-old star’s swift rise to pop...
Glenn Close takes us through her legendary career, including her roles ‘The World According to Garp,’ ‘The Big Chill,’ ‘The Natural,’ ‘Fatal Attraction,’ ‘Dangerous Liaisons,’ ‘Serving...
In sunny Los Angeles, activist and gifted thespian Yara Shahidi answers 73 rapid-fire questions. Yara talks about being the new Tinkerbell, her pineapple allergy, her classic...
Vanity Fair has asked Billie Eilish the same questions each year since 2017. Billie is back with new answers on November 30th, 2020. Billie Eilish: Same...
Dolly Parton takes us through her legendary music and film career, including ‘Hello, I’m Dolly,’ ‘The Porter Wagoner Show,’ ‘Coat of Many Colors,’ ‘The Dolly Show,’...
Joel McHale takes us through everything he does in a day. From feeding his rabbit to watching Bob’s Burgers with his family, Joel explains how he...