Lavishly Demure

Jenna Dewan Reviews Iconic Dances, from ’Dirty Dancing’ to ’Napoleon Dynamite’ | Vanity Fair

Jenna Dewan reviews iconic dance scenes from films including ‘Dirty Dancing,’ ‘La La Land,’ ‘Footloose,’ ‘Pulp Fiction,’ ‘Saturday Night Fever,’ ‘Flashdance,’ ‘Napoleon Dynamite,’ ‘Risky Business,’ ‘Little Miss Sunshine,’ ‘Save the Last Dance,’ ‘Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion’ and more.

Jenna Dewan stars in the Netflix original series SOUNDTRACK, streaming now, and is the host of FOX’s newest hit show, FLIRTY DANCING!

Arts and entertainment, business and media, politics, and world affairs—Vanity Fair’s features and exclusive videos capture the people, places, and ideas that define modern culture.

Jenna Dewan Reviews Iconic Dances, from ’Dirty Dancing’ to ’Napoleon Dynamite’ | Vanity Fair

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